
I’m well into my first week of building the Sierra Trading Post first iOS app using Xamarin.iOS and it has been a fun ride so far. One of the first things needed was a system for showing a loading image while asynchronously retrieving the final image with a web request.

Attempt 1

Xamarin has a recipe for using a UIImageView’s AnimationImages to make a spinner.

UIImageView someImageView = new UIImageView();
someImageView.AnimationImages = new UIImage[] {
    UIImage.FromBundle("Spinning Circle_1.png"),
    UIImage.FromBundle("Spinning Circle_2.png"),
    UIImage.FromBundle("Spinning Circle_3.png"),
    UIImage.FromBundle("Spinning Circle_4.png"),
someImageView.AnimationRepeatCount = 0; // Repeat forever.
someImageView.AnimationDuration = 1.0; // Every 1s.

It may be possible to make this work, but it wasn’t quite what I needed. This seems to be more of an image rotation than an animation. As a result, it creates a jerky animation between the various images equally distributed over the AnimationDuration you set.

After this, attempts to find some ideas for a better solution lead me to about a hundred lines of code that proved a difficult to consume, involving a CGBitmapContext and CGAffineTransform.MakRotation. (To be fair, this code isn’t doing something as simple as what I want to do.) Hoping to avoid that, I simply added four more rotation positions into the list. It would probably take many more to make it appear smooth. Any more than that and I really didn’t want to bloat my project with minute rotations of the same PNG. Back to Google I went.


After enough poking around some slightly related Google results, I began to understand enough of CABasicAnimation to see how it could work for the job. You create the desired animation and add an instance of UIImageView.Layer.

    // Image to be rotated (in this case, found in the project as "/Assets/Images/loading_icon.png").
    UIImageView someImageView = new UIImageView(UIImage.FromBundle("Assets/Images/loading_icon"));
    CABasicAnimation rotationAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("transform.rotation");
    rotationAnimation.To = NSNumber.FromDouble(Math.PI * 2); // full rotation (in radians)
    rotationAnimation.RepeatCount = int.MaxValue; // repeat forever
    rotationAnimation.Duration = 1;
    // Give the added animation a key for referencing it later (to remove, in this case).
    someImageView.Layer.AddAnimation(rotationAnimation, "rotationAnimation");

The main part of this is the simple rotation CABasicAnimation that is applied to a Layer of a UIImageView. In this case, it is set to do a full rotation (accepted in radians) every one second through a very large number of repetitions. The repetitions is actually one oddity in the switch to this new method. When you set UIImageView.AnimationRepeatCount, you can set it to zero to make it loop forever. Oddly, a CABasicAnimation.RepeatCount set to zero is the same as one, and it loops a single time before stopping.

Code (Example doing for a bunch of UITableView cells)

static NSString key = new NSString("somecellkey");
public override UITableViewCell GetCell(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath) {
    UITableViewCell cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell(key);
    if (cell == null) {
        cell = new UITableViewCell(UITableViewCellStyle.Default, key);

    // Image to be rotated (in this case, found in the project as "/Assets/Images/loading_icon.png").
    cell.ImageView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("Assets/Images/loading_icon");
    CABasicAnimation rotationAnimation = CABasicAnimation.FromKeyPath("transform.rotation");
    rotationAnimation.To = NSNumber.FromDouble(Math.PI * 2); // full rotation (in radians)
    rotationAnimation.RepeatCount = int.MaxValue; // repeat forever
    rotationAnimation.Duration = 1;
    // Give the added animation a key for referencing it later (to remove, in this case).
    cell.ImageView.Layer.AddAnimation(rotationAnimation, "rotationAnimation");

    // Do your lazy-loading of the image (blog post coming soon...maybe).

    // For a good time, you can keep rotating your final, lazy-loaded image by not calling this line.

    // Do the rest of your visual stuff to the cell.

    return cell;

More Code

If you want a quick demo application of the differences, check out the GitHub repo I put together [and finally got around to sharing]. It is a simple demo of two UIImageViews that implement the two methods here. Clicking anywhere will toggle between the two.

Here’s a quick video snippet of the demo code running.