Smudges app icon, available on the App Store.

You found the Smudges privacy policy, a requirement for getting Smudges on the App Store since it is designed with children as the target users. To find more information about the game itself, check out the Smudges page.

Types of Information Collected

Currently…none. Smudges does not collect any information at this time.

Future updates may collect non-personal usage and technical data.

How Collected Data is Used

Since nothing is collected at this point, no data is available for use.

When non-personal usage and technical data is collected, it will be used for improving the Smudges’ experience for future versions and future PatridgeDev software. Some non-personal data may be used for educational presentations, demos, and blog posts.

Social Interactions

Any social interactions between users playing Smudges will only happen within the physical presence of that other user. There are no social/chat aspects to Smudges that might expose you to in-app inappropriate content from other players.

Changes to this Policy

As this policy changes, it will be updated here. Please periodically check this privacy policy at for any changes.

Notice to California Residents

Apparently, residents of California are permitted to request information about the disclosure of their personal information when they use Smudges in the state of California. Since Smudges doesn’t collect any personal information, such requests will receive an email reiterating this sentence.


2015-04-15: added paragraph about [the lack of] in-app social interactions between players to better comply with the Google Play Designed for Families eligibility requirements.