Archives - Tag: JSON

  • Getting dynamic ExpandoObject to serialize to JSON as expected

    Serializing ExpandoObjects

    I am currently creating a JSON API for a handful of upcoming Sierra Trading Post projects. When I found myself generating JSON for a stripped-down representation of a number of domain classes, all wrapped with some metadata, I turned to dynamic and things have been going quite well. Unfortunately, there was a hurdle to getting the JSON to look the way I wanted.

    If you start playing around with serializing ExpandoObject to JSON, you will probably start finding a number of options. The easiest solution to find is the one that comes with .NET, JavaScriptSerializer under System.Web.Script.Serialization. It will happily serialize an ExpandoObject for you, but it probably won’t look the way you expect. Your searches will probably vary, but I found Newtonsoft’s JSON.NET, which handled ExpandoObject right out of the NuGet box. Then I stumbled on ServiceStack.Text (also “NuGettable”). While it does even weirder things than the .NET serializer with ExpandoObjects, it supposedly does them very fast.

  • Initial setup for a new ASP.NET MVC site in IIS7


    Over the years, I have spent far too many hours running the same set of commands against ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC sites to bring them up to what I consider a starting point. Most of the time, I have to refresh myself about how to do at least one of them. This is a list of those commands in a central location for myself and anyone else to use. As with any good instructions, there is no guarantee you won’t completely destroy your server, site, or soul using these commands. I can only say they worked for me once.

  • Where did that JSON field go? Serializing IHtmlString to JSON


    If your brain consumes Stack Overflow questions better than blog posts, go see “How do I serialize IHtmlString to JSON with Json.NET?” over there.